I’m studying social work in France, and I had the opportunity to do my internships in Greece for 3 months at the Open Accommodation Center “A step forward”. This was an opportunity for me, to put into practice my school knowledge and to mature my professional project. Before this internship, I was aware about the refugee situation but I had only my French point of view.

During the first day at the Accommodation Center I had the chance to observe around what was going on. I got to meet the professional team, the hosted women and children and I tried to have a better understanding of the organization.

When I started feeling more comfortable I got to participate in leisure activities that were taking place in the common space of the Center. Later, I had the liberty to use my background and share my passions by planning activities and join sessions with the social workers, psychologist and teacher. I quickly built strong relationships with the women and children and became part of their daily life. The team was always available to answer all of my questions, very involved and very inspiring for me.

Speaking French was very useful and allowed me to find a specific place with women, overcoming language barriers and for communication with social workers.

Doing my internship in a Humanitarian organization brought me a new way of think about international solidarity. I have learned a lot about women in migration, their specific needs and traumatisms, maternity and how to help them with empowerment. I feel that I have a better understanding of the situation in Europe and Ι will continue my involvement back in France. Although I’m still questioning myself about my place as a future social worker, now I have a better background.


–  Jeannice B.