Visit at the EMST
Women beneficiaries from “A Step Forward” Open Accommodation Center, visited the Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST) to experience the fascinating exhibition of the thematic cycle "What if women ruled the world?"
Christmas village at Pedion tou Areos
Happy laughter and smiling faces filled the Christmas village at Pedion tou Areos, glowing under colourful lights.
Freshly baked cookies
The #MdM Open Accommodation Center was filled with the smell of freshly baked cookies, cakes and other sweets. Early in the morning, the women hosted began the festive preparations with their children, who enjoyed the pleasant bustle in the kitchen, which was encouraged by the MdM team.
Against violence towards women
The women asylum seekers and residents of the MdM Greece "A Step Forward" Open Accommodation Centre for Women, presented their own message against violence towards women
His first birthday with us
With smiles and joy, we baked the cake together, and our little friend, full of excitement, blew out his very first candle.
New friends and endless play for the children hosted at the #MdM’s shelter
Cooking together!
Handmade pizza and desserts, training against #foodwaste, cooking with respect for everyone’s nutrition habits and cultural specialities!
Leave no child behind in the fight against human trafficking
Today, World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, #MdM joins the United Nations in the fight to ensure that no child is left at risk of human trafficking and recalls the testimony of J., who managed to escape modern slavery.
New phase of operation
MdM inaugurates the new phase of the Open Accommodation Center "A Step Forward" for women seeking international protection
From nightmare to dream
R fought hard and managed to take control of her life
Henna designs
Henna is part of the culture of many communities in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
The Holy Art Athens
The painting that brought back bad memories
August Full Moon
The beneficiaries of the "A Step Forward" had the opportunity to visit the Acropolis Museum
Protect the Earth, Protect your Health
A group of scouts from France (EEIF) visited "A Step Forward"
Renovation works at A Step Forward
The renovation works at A Step Forward are completed
A Step Forward / Closing Event
Closing Event of the project
Under Renovation
Doctors of the World is renovating the Open Accommodation Centre “A Step Forward” to be able to accommodate and support women and children at risk in a renewed and modern environment.
Currently “A Step Forward” is undergoing maintenance and renovation work.
Infographic 01.2023
See the activity results of the Open Accommodation Centre to date.
Ice skating

Christmas decoration

Municipal Theatre of Piraeus
The young children of the “A Step Forward” Accommodation Center attended the theatrical performance “Dodo!” at the Municipal Theatre of Piraeus, an unique performance by the Vida Group, for ages 12 months to 3 years old, full of imagination, sounds, colors and shapes. The “A Step Forward” youngsters were thrilled to participate in this interactive experience filled with beautiful surprises.
Visiting the National Museum of Contemporary Art of Athens
The women and children of A Step Forward visited the National Museum of Contemporary Art of Athens, where they had the opportunity to tour and view some of the Museum’s guest exhibitions, and then discussed and expressed the thoughts and opinions that emerged from their contact with the works.
The Home Project
The children of A Step Forward visited the big celebration of The Home Project, which aimed at community building, addressing xenophobia and stereotypes through coexistence. The Kypseli Municipal Market was filled with music and creative workshops in which the #ASF children also had the opportunity to make and share wonderful things.
Dream On | Exhibition at NEON
H., who is hosted at the “A Step Forward” Open Accommodation Center, loves art. The visit to the art space NEON, in the former tobacco factory, gave her the opportunity to see the exhibition Dream On, where large-scale installations by international and greek artists are presented.
Museum of Illusion
Through fun tricks, the young children learned about perception, vision and illusions.
New school year
Happy and creative school year!
World Literacy Day
Educational activity organized by the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation
Visit at the National Gallery
The women and children of A Step Forward had the opportunity to visit the National Gallery
Infographic 08.2022
See the activity results of the Open Accommodation Centre to date.
Mrs Olga from Ukraine
Mrs Olga arrived in Greece leaving Ukraine behind when the war broke out.
Psychosocial support for children from Ukraine
Hosted at A Step Forward
Attica Zoological Park
Visit to the Acropolis Museum
The Acropolis Museum visited the women and mothers with their children who are hosted at the A Step Forward Open Accommodation Center. During the visit they had the opportunity to see the exhibits of the Museum, learn about the antiquities of Greece and enjoy a walk in the historical center of Athens.
Kifissia Flower Show / Event for Ukraine
Εvent in support of the Ukrainian people.
Mother’s Day
The first time I became a mother, I realized that I could do anything
Internship | Jeannice B.
Jeannice talks about the 3 months of her internship at A Step Forward
Easter at A Step Forward
Easter preparations at the Open Accommodation Center
A newborn baby in A Step Forward
Which became an instant favourite of all the guests of the Open Accommodation Center and their children!
Ms R.M.s story
I left my country in 2018 to seek a peaceful life away from violence.
Visit at the A Step Forward
Visit by representatives of the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO), UDI and HumanRights360
“Cries for Help” exhibition
Αt the Hadjikyriakos-Gikas Gallery of the Hellenic American Union
Infographic 02.2022
See the activity results of the Open Accommodation Centre to date.
Petit Plan: Europa III
On the occasion of the "Petit Plan: Europa III" Festival, the women of A Step Forward visited the Institut français de Grèce and enjoyed films of French cinema.
Believe in yourself!
At a time when many of us are discouraged or give up the struggle to resolve our personal deadlocks, women like Sonia, without intending to, are a source of inspiration and activation for all of us.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
This card is made by beneficiaries and employees of the programmes “Asylum and Migration” and “Local Development and Poverty Reduction”, funded by the EEAGrants.
Ice skating
Christmas fun for the children of the A Step Forward Open Accommodation Center, at the ice rink
Kinetic activities
Kinetic activities, physical exercises & lots of play, for the A Step Forward children where they can practice their kinetic skills, as play is a vital need for them.
#forhumanrightsineurope #forabetterfuture #eeagrantsgr #workingtogether
Sport and music are two encouraging factors in children's mental and physical well-being.
Creative activities
Creative moments for the children of A Step Forward
#Forhumanrightsineurope #Forabetterfuture #Workingtogether #EeaGrantsCommunity #EEAGrants #Inclusion #Protection #Empowerment
Fabrica Athens
The 9th Festival of Handmade and Recycled Theatre became another opportunity for the women and children of the Open Accommodation Center to get to know the neighborhoods of the center of Athens through cultural events.
“This is how I learn better” of the Municipality of Athens
STEM Evenings for the children of A Step Forward at Serafio, combining hands-on games with Science, highlighting the creative role of technology in education.
Beginning of the school year for 8 children
The children, who live in the Open Accommodation Center, conquered their right to knowledge and learning
First day in school
First day in school for the children of A Step Forward. With great enthusiasm, 8 children living in the Open Accommodation Center, with the help of social workers and the educator, were signed up in kindergarten, primary and secondary school where they will now attend their classes.
Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center
The guided tour of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center brought joy to the women and children of A Step Forward
Recreational Activities
Through playing, children develop their physical and cultural skills and discover in a fun way what they can do!
Infographic 07.2021
See the activity results of the Open Accommodation Centre to date.
National Garden
A walk in the centre of Athens became a pleasant opportunity for the mothers and children of the Open Accommodation Centre A Step Forward to explore the paths of the National Garden.
We Need Books
With a book you can travel around the entire world. The women and children of A Step Forward visited the We Need Books library
Job opening “Instructor/Trainer”
Το Μη Κερδοσκοπικό Σωματείο Γιατροί του Κόσμου – Ελληνική Αντιπροσωπεία, στο πλαίσιο του έργου “A Step forward-Accommodation Facility for Women Asylum Seekers at risk and for mothers with their children” το οποίο χρηματοδοτείται από τον χρηματοδοτικό μηχανισμό 2014-2021 του Ευρωπαϊκού Οικονομικού Χώρου (EEA grants) στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος ”Asylum and Migration” με διαχειριστική αρχή τη ΣΟΛ Crowe και την Human Rights 360.
Μία (1) θέση Εκπαιδευτή-τριας/Εμψυχωτή-τριας
Οι […]
Breastfeeding course
The breastfeeding course by the volunteer midwife for the women of “A Step Forward” project, was a valuable lesson in managing the care of their baby as they learned important information that every woman has the right to know and is linked to the development of a healthy child.
Issues discussed were about the physiology and pathology of lactation, the correct technique of breastfeeding, the nutrition of the breastfeeding woman and further questions were answered through personal discussion with […]
Visiting Acropolis
The visit to the museum and the archaeological site of the Acropolis gave the women and young children of A Step Forward the opportunity to see up close and get to know an important element of Greek culture, as well as the role of museums in modern societies.
S. took a step forward
She bid us farewell as she left the Open Accommodation Centre, leaving a picture she drew herself.
Easter 2021
Moments of relaxation at the Open Accommodation Centre for women and mothers of asylum seekers and their children, where handmade gifts made by the children themselves with the help of the staff, delighted children and adults alike.
Computer courses
The usage of computers and internet access for the women of "A Step Forward" is an important tool offerd to them during their stay at the Open Accommodation Center.
Workout excersises
The shouts and laughs that fill the room during the workout excersises make life seem a little more normal again.
Εducational programs
March 8 | International Women’s Day
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, on March 8, we symbolically offered to the women of the Open Living Center, a pot of flowers and chocolates to show them how important they are in life and how much they should feel strong!
Invitation for expression of interest of certified public accountants
Nomination of a Contractor for the provision of Management Audit Services (Certified Public Accountants) in the context of the implementation of the project for two years
Together for Better Days
Ensuring everyone's right to health.
Online presentation
Watch the online presentation of the project "A Step Forward"
P.’s journey
A woman who found such strength to escape a harsh environment is capable of achieving everything.
Constructions Completed!
Constructions in the new hospitality structure for women are being completed. With the beginning of the new year, we will be ready to welcome the women with their children who will be hosted.
Job Opening: Social Worker in Athens
We are looking to hire a Social Worker in Athens, for the project A Step Forward
Job Opening Administrative Employee in Athens
We are looking to hire an Administrative Employee in Athens for the project A Step Forward
Intention to conclude a contract for the “Supply of Personal Hygiene Products”
Intention to conclude a contract in the framework of the Invitation for expression of interest for submission of tenders for the Supply of Personal Hygiene Products, for the hospitality structure.
Constructions in progress
Constructions are in progress. Soon our new hospitality structure for vulnerable women will be ready to accommodate women and mothers with their children.
Re-announcement of Invitation for the supply of Baby Foods
For the "Supply of Baby Products for the Hospitality Structure at 32 Deligiorgi Street in Athens